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Copy She Kaomojis ;)

ಥ ͜ʖ ಥ
She Left Me
☆。゚ .(❁人-ω◕ฺ)゚
She has wings
She is salutating
(✿ ゚ᗜ ゚)ノ
She says hello
She Came
She wants to say hi
(✿●˘ ﻬ ˘)(❛0❛✿)
She looks so different with makeup
(✿●˘ ﻬ ˘)
She loves makeup
She is saying hello
She Says Hi
She likes to say hi
She says hi
She is waving
She Feels Happy
She feels happy
She feels Amazing
She came
She is here
She is feeling great
She Is So Excited
She Is Glad
She enjoys my kisses
She Knows The Way
She is telling the way
She wants this way
She prefers that way
She knows where to go
(🌸◠‿ ◕)づ
She can tell us the way
(🌸●‿ ●)づ
She is telling me where to go
She is changing her flower
She wants the another flower
She wants that kokoro
She is pointing at a heart
She owns that puppy
She just wants love
She Is My Everything
( ´・з・)・ε・`❁)
She always wants to kiss me
She is kissing another girl
She really looks like an angel
She is a girly angel
She has a girly stuffed kuma
She loves that girly bear
She and her girly bear
She loves girly bears
She loves the sky´s stars
She is leaving stars
She loves the nites

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