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(ノ ゚Д゚)ノ ==== ┻━━┻
Flipping Away Table
(ノ-_-)ノ ┫〝〟∵
This Shit Away Pls
Serious Flipping Away
(ノ`Д´)ノ-----┻┻ -3-3
Throw This Shit Away
go away
that kiss blew me away
ヾ(。 ̄□ ̄)ツ
Running Away in Fear
(; ̄y ̄)-----cξ~~
Throw Away That Shit
(; -_-)――――――C<―_-)
Mortal Kombat
(ノ`⌒´)ノ ┫:・’.::・┻┻:・’.::・
Take This Shit Far Away
(ノ ̄皿 ̄)ノ ⌒=== ┫
table flip
▭⃘ ப̲ ▭⃘
Just go the fuck away
Go the fuck away
╭∩╮(ꖘ ʖ̯ꖘ)╭∩╮
Just Go Away, idiot
Go away, i don't want you here
Just fuck you and go away
Go away asshole
Go away
The sky is so far away
(/͠-╭╮ ͝-\)╭∩╮
Just go away now
Glad to see you away
Just go away and fuck u
Go Away, Bye
Just go away, fuck you
I want you far away
(ヾノ•᷅ ༬•᷄ )(`∧´メ)
Just go away
Chasing a neko away
ヽ(⪩﹏⪨)ノ (≗ ᆽ ≗)
Chasing away a cat
I run away from something
Running away from him
Just get away
Please just go away from me
Just go away and fuck you
(╯ ͡ಥUಥ)╯︵ ┻━┻
Take this table away
(ɔˆ ³(ˆnˆc)
Can't be away from you
Just Go Away
Running away from a zombie
Stay away its risky
Danger stay away
(♡≗ 0 ≗♡)
Your beauty blew me away, baby
=(=(=(=(චᆽච=) ヾ( ●ε● ) ノノ(゜-゜)ノ)
Get away from my boy.
(•́ •́ ) ( *∵*) (ꈍ0ꈍ) 🍰 _(゚◇゚)ノ🍰
To take away, please.
( ⋆ ❛3❛)🍝 ┬─┬🍝(^O^ ) ┬─┬且_(゚◇゚)ノ゙
Other juice,right away
(˘ʃƪ˘)(˘ʃƪ˘)( ◡́.◡̀)(^◡^ )★─☆。。★ “ψ(`∇´)ψ
God, get that demon away from my family.
◥(ºᵥᵥº)◤ ◥(ºᵥᵥº)◤ God please ╮(╯ _╰ )╭
God drives away the vampire

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