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Copy Dying Kaomojis ;)

( ˶˘ ³˘(♡ω♡)
I'm dying 4 love
ᕳ ͯツ ͯᕲ
I'm dying
I'm dying for love
Dying for magic
Almost dying
He's dying for an arrow
The flower is dying
He is dying for laugh
A bear dying
Dying slowly
└[x ³x]┘
Dying for dancing
I feel i'm dying
I'm dying for a kiss
Its dying
٩ (^ ‿ ^)
I'm dying of laughter
Dying For Food
(๑ ᵕ⌓ᵕ̤)
Dying For Sleep
川 。μ_μ)σ
Sleepy Dying
(´-ε ヾ )
Dying Dream
((( +д+)o =3=3
Dying and Coughing
˓˓( ॢ₎˔̈₍ ॢ )˒˒
Crying And Dying
Dying Cat & Owner Playing Basketball
ƈ ͡ (ुŏ̥̥̥̥םŏ̥̥̥̥) ु⁝
Dying Pain

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