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Copy Wake Kaomojis ;)

(ᴗ◞ ᴗ)zZ☼
It is morning, wake up
(ᴗ◞ ᴗ)zZ[☼
The sun doesn't wake him up
Why did you wake me up?
( ^‿^ ) c[_]🍞 💤 (。-‿-。✿) 💤
Wake up, eat and drink something
( ✿^‿^ ) c[_] 💤 (。-‿-。✿) 💤
Wake up is late ¡
(✿°0°) \( ^0^)_旦””(≦‸ლ)
Something hot and wake up
!!!!!(o ̄ω ̄)○))o(__*)Zzz
Hey Dude Wake Up
One Person Trying To Wake Up Another
ー(*゚ロ゚)-C<*_ _)。o○
Trying To Wake Up Someone
٩( !◊!)۶
Excited Wake Up

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